United States of Emergency: Coronavirus

A. R. Bennett
2 min readMar 13, 2020

This is a simple set of data maps to show what kinds of measures are being taken by institutions throughout the U.S. to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Will update as new information becomes available.

Map of 25 U.S. States that have declared some kind of State of Emergency (or Public Health Emergency) as of 6:30 PM PST, March 12, 2020

This does not map directly onto how many cases each state has, since different states have declared states of emergency at different tipping points.

Below see the current distribution of cases in the United States as tracked by the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 database.

Live Updated map of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. from Johns Hopkins

This means a number of states have refrained from declaring a state of emergency, despite the presence of presumptive positive tests within those states.

Map of U.S. States that have declared emergency (in red) and those with presumptive positive cases that have not declared states of emergency (orange) as of 6:30 PM PST March 12, 2020

This means we have five states total that have no cases of the novel coronavirus, four in the continental U.S.: Idaho, Alabama, West Virginia, and Maine.

More data to come as it becomes available. Quick U.S. State data visualizations created with M Bostock’s bl.ocks Paint By Numbers I and sourced from Business Insider, and Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 database and interactive map.

Below is a map of school closures in the U.S. showing where social distancing measures are being taken by state and local authorities.

Map of U.S. School Closures, Nationwide from Education Weekly

And here you can find a spreadsheet listing all of the colleges that have moved teaching online, which are displayed on this map below:

Map showing College and University Closings throughout the U.S.

