The Morning After with Liz

A. R. Bennett
6 min readFeb 20, 2020

Sometimes you wake up after an epic night only to have that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach — oh…that seemed like a good idea at the time.

And sometimes you wake up and think, “was that real?” as you glide through the rest of your morning, surfing on the wave of endorphins, oxytocin, and maybe even adrenaline. And all you can think is, when can I see this person again?

And then, the feeling when they call you back, and they’re as stoked as you are…unbeatable.

So, for all of you who would like to keep gliding on that “rip Bloomberg’s arms off and hit him in the dick with them” energy, I give you Liz this morning in East Las Vegas.

Tweet from Andi Zeisler (@andizeisler) that reads “Listen, some pundits may say that it was unsporting for Elizabeth Warren to kick off this debate by ripping Mike Bloomberg’s arms off and using them to punch him in the dick, but i respectfully disagree”

She entered after some pump up from Joaquin Castro and Andy Levin (D-Michigan 9th District) and chants of “Warren! Warren! Warren!” And then she brought the whole goddam slam-packed house down. If you aren’t excited about Warren now…well…you know the energy I’m rocking right now and I’ll leave it at that.

Here is video of her chat with volunteers at the canvasing launch in East Las Vegas, transcript below.

Video Credit: A.R. Bennett


[cheers as Elizabeth approaches and enters the campaign office]

[chants of “Warren Warren Warren”]

Warren: “Dream Big!”

Crowd: “Fight Hard!”

Warren: Good morning Democrats! [cheers] Alright, so after the debate last night, are we ready to make a little change? [cheers] No, not a little change! How ‘bout some big structural change? [louder cheers]

You know, last night was a lot of fun, and I’ll tell ya why [laughter, side jokes] I’ll tell ya why — because for me it’s about accountability. I have really had it with billionaires, regardless of party, who think that the rules don’t apply to them. [cheers] I’ve had it with billionaires who think their money buys them something special. [cheers] So, you know, they can call women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians’ and then just, when somebody complains, throw a little money on it. [‘yeah’ from crowd] And then put a gag in the woman’s mouth. That’s not right and that’s not gonna be our candidate for president of the United States of America. [cheers]

I’ll tell ya another part of accountability: it is not enough to decide, in the hours before you declare for president that maybe stop and frisk was a bad idea. [laughter] And the part I listened to last night about the unintentional effect? I’m sorry, they knew exactly what communities they were targeting, what human beings they were targeting, and what color those human beings were. [cheers, applause, assent] And in case they missed it on Day 1, there were all those days afterwards when people protested in the streets, when people wrote, when people cried, when people got hurt and told their stories. And the answer from the Mayor was silence. Crickets. Right up until he realized, ‘Gee, I was planning to buy a presidency’ [laughter] ‘and what could go wrong?’ [laughter] I got…

Supporter: “Elizabeth Warren!” [raucous laughter applause and cheers]

Warren: He figured he had the women all gagged so they couldn’t say anything — couldn’t say anything about sex discrimination, couldn’t say anything about harassment, but boy what to do about all those Latinos and African Americans that got slammed over the hoods, that got slammed up against the walls, that got humiliated, that were stopped, repeatedly for doing what? Walking while black. [gospel responses: “mmmm,” “sing it!”]

Um NO. So he figures, ‘what does it take?’ For a billionaire, this is like a dang big deal: he’s sorry. [laughter] ‘So we’re good now, right?’ [more laughter] And the answer is, ‘not good enough.’ Not good enough. [cheers and applause]

Supporter [inaudible over cheers] Warren “You bet.”

Warren: Look, I get it. I am not a woman of color. I never got thrown across a hood. I have the privilege of never having been slammed into the wall by a police officer, but I tell you this: I listen to people who have. I listen and I say ‘when I am president of the United States that is not gonna happen to human beings in this country.’ [cheers and applause] [inaudible over applause]… you bet.

So here’s the thing. The Democrats are gettin’ down to the short strokes on how we’re gonna pick a nominee. Now, we all know Mayor Bloomberg’s view on this, everyone else should drop out and he’ll stay. [laughter] He said Bernie could stay and he’ll take out Bernie, but other than that, right, just the two of ’em and the rest should just go away. I’m not ready to go away. [cheers and applause]

Supporter: “YEEEESSS Warren!”

You really wanna say, hey Mayor Bloomberg, before you put something out like that give Mitch McConnell a call and see how telling that woman to ‘sit down and shut up’ worked for him. [raucous cheers and applause]

[Chants of “Persist!” from supporters]

Warren: Ooooohhh. [almost sighed] All I have to say is we’re just gettin’ started. [cheers and applause]

[Chants of “Liz is getting started!” from supporters]

Warren: So, I wanna thank every single one of you for being here. I wanna thank you if you’ve been one of the long-time supporters from forever back — people come to me and say ‘I’ve loved you since Jon Stewart’ —but I wanna say thank you who’ve been in on the campaign since the first day.

I wanna say a special thank you if you started out supporting someone else. And, if you were a Kamala supporter, if you were a Julian supporter, if you were a Corey supporter, if you were an Inslee supporter, I want you to know, I’m grateful you got engaged. Those are good people. I miss them in this primary. But I am doubly grateful to you that you realized that when it didn’t work out for your candidate, you said, ‘I am back in this fight,’ because we must win against Donald Trump. [vigorous cheers and applause]

And, I wanna thank another group. And that is the group who just recently said, ‘wait?! 2020?!’ and came in and said, ‘I’m curious. I wanna learn more. But I wanna make sure that we take care of our democracy going forward.’ Because for me this is about picking a candidate, you bet it is. But it is also about our democracy that hangs in the balance.

Understand this, about Michael Bloomberg, he believes that because he’s a billionaire, he can just buy an election. And this is really scary. Because if this is true, that either you have to be a billionaire, or you have to spend 70% of your time sucking up to billionaires, we will have an America that works even better — for billionaires. While it leaves everyone else further and further behind. So, to me, what this election is all about is how we, we take back the power, we take back our democracy, we take back our country, and we build an America that doesn’t just work for a handful at the top, we build an America that works for everyone! [crescendo of cheers and applause]

Everyone! So let’s do this! Let’s dream big!

Supporters: “Fight Hard!”

Warren: “Dream Big!”

Supporters: “Fight Hard!”

Warren: “And Win!”

[overwhelming cheers and applause]

[Chants of “Warren Warren Warren”]

[Chants of “It’s Time! It’s time for a woman in the whitehouse!”]

Cheers. Elizabeth waves and hugs staffer.

Campaign staffer: “Ok, y’all, can you hear me? Awesome! Ready for some selfies? [cheers, Liz jumps up and down excitedly] So we’re gonna start a line right around here to this side of the…oh wow she already stepped up…we’re starting the selfie line to this side of the ro…” [video ends]

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks to the press after canvasing launch in East Las Vegas, February 20, 2020
Tweet from @ManInTheHoody (account currently suspended) reading “i feel like warren at this debate was the closest ive ever seen anyone come to literally eating the rich #demdebate”

